Evidently Mayor de Blasio and Chancellor Carranza have determined that teachers now have plenty of time even as we offer remote learning. That's why, just yesterday, after schools like mine
had already begun planning for next Thursday, they decided that we could
somehow teach even as we were taking whatever PD they'd placed on their
My students expect me to give them classes,
and I'll be there doing so. Let them put a letter in my frigging file. I'll frame it and hang it near awards I've received.
I'm a language teacher, and verbal and aural interaction, for me, is non-negotiable. I have students who've studied English for years in China, passed, and arrived here unable to speak. It's my job to help these kids with what they need. Who knows better what that is--me, or the people in air-conditioned Tweed offices?
I won't set my kids up with busy work, which would be what not showing up would entail for me. Even if I could figure out how to make that click, the assumption that any teacher can somehow offer something of value that involves neither time nor work is insulting, demeaning, and astonishingly ignorant.
My students expect me to check the work they
send in, and I'll be doing that too. The chancellor, evidently, thinks
after doing whatever work he wants me to set up, I have time to read his PowerPoints, or whatever crap they
have posted up at DOE. I'm sure it will be as useful as the sexual
harassment seminar we all wasted our time with after having spent months
trying to even get in.
Other teachers may not be offering live classes, but are nonetheless providing assignments, communicating with students, and checking and correcting their work. I suppose this is what the chancellor expects of us. For me, that model doesn't work. However, if it did, I'd still be expected to do not only my regular work, but also attend whatever crap the DOE has posted. Unacceptable, unacceptable, unacceptable. Despite what the chancellor may think, any worthwhile activity entails time and work from teachers.
It's ironic, because we could've taken the day off from teaching, given our students a much-needed break, and done something worthwhile. I'd
been negotiating for some of my colleagues who are expert in Google
Classroom to help teachers like me, who are not. I'm not a Luddite, but I
pick up on computer programs via trial and error. For example, I've
observed while grading submitted work that I can actually watch the
students as they write.
This is a big deal for me,
because if I could arrange assignments they could do within Google
Classroom, I could recapture my practice of watching students do work in
real time. I could offer tips as they write in my virtual class. I
didn't even know that was possible until I stumbled upon students doing
homework assignments in real time.
Some of my students
have programs they use to type answers onto worksheets I give as
homework. One told me she had to pay for that program. Are there free
programs that enable them to do this? I don't know. Could our school
sponsor paid programs? Could the DOE rechannel its gala luncheon funding
and support a program like that? I don't know that either. Does the
first year teacher who trained me in Zoom and Google Classroom know the
answers? I'll bet he does, and on Thursday I could've probably got him
paid to share his expertise.
Are there other teachers
who know even less about these programs than I do? Certainly. I know one
teacher who actually pays someone to help with Google Classroom. How
many of us were trained to use these programs? I'm glad I stumbled into
it, though I'd prefer it weren't accompanied by a pandemic.
other things are available that I don't know about? What possibilities
are there that my colleagues have never imagined? On Thursday, we won't
find out. The DOE, of course, has no idea how these programs worked.
They've never used them, and a whole lot of the geniuses in Tweed
skedaddled out of the classroom the first chance they got.
they engage experts to support us in our efforts? Of course not. They
tossed us to the dogs, and told us to hope for the best. On our
scheduled break, they told us to work on. High holy days? Screw you and
your religion.
That's the kind of support we know to
expect from the DOE--none whatsoever. The best thing teachers can do is
depend on themselves and one another. For myself, I'll be calling my
first year teacher friend and asking him to help me out a little. I'm
sure he will.
That's just one reason he'd never fit
into the DOE and their agenda of sitting around their offices while we
lowly teachers do the actual work. As the DOE plans for an entire summer
of online education, not to mention almost certain continuation for
September, actual training for teachers in dire need is of no importance
whatsoever. I have absolutely no faith whatever the DOE has is of
value, and in the highly unlikely event it is, they've given me no time
whatsoever to use it.
It's criminal that de Blasio and
Carranza are contemplating budget cuts to schools as their worthless
minions in Tweed sit around, twiddling their thumbs and pulling
preposterous decisions like this one from their overly ample hind
Where to Go?
40 minutes ago