5:50 Roll Call
6:00 UFT Secretary LeRoy Barr welcomes us.
Minutes--approved via email.
UFT President Michael Mulgrew--There are fewer new names this week than last, but 52 in service, and 25 retirees have now passed. Mulgrew reads names.
Moment of silence.
DA this week. Dealing with technology, hoping for more capability in future.
Fed--lifeline package, 300 billion for small businesses. Wanted to preclude large companies. We need money for state and local. If not, will be 20% cut in health and education statewide. Putting together campaign. Red state governors also need aid, hoping to make this bipartisan.
Mayor also trying to get federal package. Issue with proposed cuts, all school based. Perhaps trying to get us angry and pressure electeds. Can't have cuts all going to schools with huge DOE staffs. Working with City Council and Cassie Pruett. Hard to get people to focus on other than Covid.
State level was bad, but not catastrophic. Got through recession without layoff. At times like this we make sure everyone has a job and keep everyone whole. This, along with Presidential race, will be our goal this year.
Raise is our raise. No one has approached us, and lawyers are ready to jump if we are approached. Governor called this part of a budget. They can suspend but people will have to be made whole. Already budgeted in city, along with retro for next year.
We have many things to do, glad we have DA. Have to do all businesses remotely, preference sheets, SBOs, will be excessing, people moving one school to another. SBOs require school based votes, should have system. Calendar should be finalized shortly, which is important for SBOs, number one issue. Will review at DA Wednesday.
DOE released document to custodians to give people access to buildings. Moving up consultation with chancellor to clarify so we can let members know.
Summer school and grading policy big questions--DOE wants standardized grading policies for each level. HS has many different policies. Whatever we end up with, specific grade will indicate summer school or academic intervention. Summer school may be virtual or physical. Will be six weeks but can be broken up. Will be per session posting.
Thursday will be Town Hall. Whatever not done Wed. can be done Thursday.
Retiree chapter calling all retirees. Glad union is reaching out to them. Looking at uptick of cases in Florida in particular.
Social and emotional support needed for both students and adults. MAP program doing great job, but overwhelmed. Contacting families of members who passed, trying to help.
Questions--(Have omitted those answered previously.)
Principals mandating live casting are being knocked down. Principals told to stop it. Doing meetings with CSA, UFT, and DOE. CSA has different definition of live video.
Precautions on reopening. If we have to bargain will be about safety. Social distancing will be in play until we get a vaccine. Staggered schedules? Alternate days? Need evidence that people entering building won't be spreading virus. Testing important.
Grading policy about one for end of school year, part of consultation.
Union feeding UFT nurses and other staff three times a week. Support them on social media.
AC initiative was just cut by DOE.
We will fight any talk of layoffs.
D75 will continue as ten month program.
Paraprofessionals are not in danger of losing jobs. One on ones are mandated. Have been real support to both students and teachers, Hopes teachers remember their cooperation and collaboration.
Special education teacher with excessive paperwork--We are sending more and more guidance as we agree with DOE. If there is too much, you need to use complaint process, which is expedited. If you did paper form, no need to change. There is one now in SESIS, that is tightened up. Address individual issues to MaryJo Ginese.
Teachers worried schools may open--Mayor has said they will close for rest of year. As far as we know, legally he has that authority. Don't see schools opening up as they could be major source of recontamination. Will need evidence before they open. How do we make sure they can do social distancing in building? Last week we were fighting with DOE and DOH, which failed to follow procedures. We will be very tough with them in the future.
People have learned a great deal, but we're still angry.
No word on parent teacher conferences. Will discuss with chancellor.
SLT meetings important. Parents want to know about budget cuts. Do we need to amend CEP? Not sure yet. Summer school doubtful as physical. Not sure about September. Comes down to safety.
Wednesday DA have to focus on end year union work, SBOs, preference sheets, excessing. Will be more this year, and must happen properly, following contract. Hoping by next month to have more answers.
85% attendance quite good, better than most, definitely getting job done, even governor said something nice today.
We will stay tight and be there with each other. My condolences to all who've lost colleagues. 6:32
Roll call for latecomers.
6:34 We are adjourned.
Introducing Pac-Man
2 hours ago