I can't imagine exactly how much money I'd need to have before I became a Republican. Honestly, no matter how much it was, it boggles my mind how anyone could identify with this particular group of individuals. I mean, sure, they've got a pretty significant propaganda network in Fox, and there's some other network that's even better at kissing up to Trump.
I guess if that's what you deem important, then you have to go for it. And they're not just calling social distancing communism, like the brilliant young woman in the photo. Some are calling it nazism, and it wouldn't surprise me a bit if they didn't know the difference.
Still, I can't see the appeal of the current thrust to put America back to work no matter who dies or how long we prolong a pandemic. I mean sure, I understand your racism. I understand that you don't care about people like me. I understand that the people I've spent my life working for are of no importance to you and that you're fine placing children in cages. Things like that are enough to keep me away.
This notwithstanding, viruses aren't prejudiced. They don't discriminate. Viruses are equal opportunity killers. They don't care what color your skin is, what language you speak, what gender you are, what religion you follow. Your sexual orientation is of no importance to them. This may come as a shock to President Donald Trump, but they don't even care how much money you have or which exclusive club you belong to.
This notwithstanding, the White House is supportive of the movement to resist social distancing. Even one of the idiot doctors who serves Trump says she doesn't want to second guess the idiot governor of Florida keeping schools closed and beaches open. How is it too dangerous for students to attend school, but safe for people to hang out on the beach? The idiot governor who made that decision would not have won but for the long-standing tradition of vote-rigging down there.
It's become quite clear that the Trump administration only cares to reopen business, and couldn't care less who lives or dies. He'd been banking on getting reelected on the basis of a strong stock market, and that's not going his way right now. Maybe he thinks the only way he stays out of prison is by keeping this office. Trump's been a con man all his life and can't even envision being off the grift.
I wouldn't mind so much if the Fox-watching geniuses only placed themselves at risk. But they're fighting for their rights here, buttressed by celebrity idiots, and sometimes losing their bets against science. The fact is, when they decide that they're being kept down by people who just won't accept "alternative facts," they're putting all the rest of us at risk.
President Trump says they "seem to be very responsible people," simply because they support him, but the Governor of Michigan, one of the states Trump wants to "liberate," says "It's better to be six feet apart right now than six feet under." I can't imagine a logical retort to that, but logic is not what's running our country right now.
The Republican philosophy, already despicable, has taken one more step into the great beyond. They don't even care if they kill their own anymore. We'd better make sure their vote-rigging is kept to a minimum. They know when people vote, they lose. Despite their last big push to rig the vote in Wisconsin, they lost.
Let's make that a trend, and stop their Death Star. Democratic candidates don't make me jump up and down, but at least they aren't homicidal lunatics just yet. And yes, that's enough to make me vote for them this year.
Classic Novel Merchandise
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