6 PM—Secretary Howard Schoor welcomes us.
Four speakers—
Dave Jensen—Per-diem subs—speaking on part of colleague. Many per-diem have had deductions for union, expecting representation or due process. Subs have few or none due process rights. Paraprofessionals have been given that right. Article 42 says the union and DOE will develop best practices, but they feel that is not enough. They shoulder responsibility, teach 4 in a row, have no lesson plans and are subject to being placed on DNU lists that preclude working. Several colleagues have suffered this treatment. Sub-central disinterested, with too much authority. One person, not collaborative, not promoting best practices. Demand more transparent referee. Asks why as due-paying members subs did not participate in negotiation.
Judith Lowell—Physical Therapist, Delegate to OT/ PT chapter. OT/ PT for fair contract member. Glad DA passed resolution in support. Still negotiating, appreciate DA’s support. Resolution puzzling because it had something about education OT/ PT to stay with union. Some have been critical out of frustration. Our group supports unionism and UFT. We are strong union members, believe in UFT, want to work with leadership and membership.
Melissa Willams—OT in district 6. Door-knocker for UFT. Working on last non-member. Concerned that union doesn’t have capacity to tolerate grassroots organizing. We got email from our Exec. Board, saying, “Our contract has not been ratified so this has left us vulnerable to outside forces.” We are concerned with issues that affect other chapters as well. We think they mean the socialist party by outside forces. We don’t want divisive rhetoric or red-baiting. We will not tolerate it. We aim for unity, staying with UFT. Anytime we hear negativity we say we’re sticking with union. We would like pay parity. Would like to use model of paid parental leave. We need a big tent, socialists, libertarians, and democrats, GOP and everyone. Hands out buttons and asks we pledge to wear them.
Rachel Fineson—Thanks DA for passing resolution. Loves job but has to work two others. 35 of 50 in room I was in also worked multiple jobs. What is UFT plan for renegotiating contract?
President’s Report—Michael Mulgrew—Governor outlined plans for legislative session. Thinks we have to fix inequity in school funding, specifically on capital plans, funding based on need, happy to see that. rest of agenda progressive, women’s rights, cash bail, overall quite positive. Rumors Cathy Nolan will no longer chair ed. committee. Hearing diBenedetto, from Bronx, UFT member. We’ll wait and see. Nolan may be deputy speaker. Pay raise issue sucking up all the oxygen, but we need to get budget done.
Thanks Karen Alford and all who worked on homeless coalition event. Best event we do all year.
Wishes us happy holiday and happy new year. Thanks us for our time, for going above and beyond. We are moving forward—will be state legislative breakfast here tomorrow. Lots of them don’t know what we do, think it’s “standard union stuff.”
Enemies of union are gearing up. Take time and relax. It gives me comfort to know this leadership is in place.
LeRoy Barr—Public Advocate forums, first last Thursday in Queens. Great turnout. Members can question all candidates. Tomorrow meeting here. Next EB January 7, DA 16th, happy holidays.
Mike Schirtzer—Where are we on OT/ PT contract? Any progress? And we’re still hearing that principals and admin are mandating lesson plans. Can we reiterate to reinforce idea that plans are not to benefit admin.
Schoor—We have reached out to labor relations on OT/ PT. Not yet responded. Meeting with chapter on demands and changes. We will be ready when they are. No guarantee when they will come to table. We will work on it.
Lesson plans—That was in principal’s weekly. Thanks Debbie Poulos. We wanted prep periods and lesson planning explained and they did so.
Arthur Goldstein—It looks like the Senate will vote to uncouple test scores from teacher ratings. This will be different for high school teachers because we were not affected by the Regents moratorium. If the Senate does vote to uncouple test scores, what will happen in high schools? What will take the place of our current MOSL?
Schoor—Doesn’t know.
Evelyn de Jesus—Meeting now. Have an assessment committee looking at how they will move agenda. We’re working on it.
Paul Egan—Legislation would decouple teacher evaluation from student test scores. Hopeful that can be done earlier rather than later. Not sure if it includes Regents.
Janella Hinds—Goal is to ensure all divisions are covered. We expect it will be all test scores decoupled from MOSL.
Melody Cooper—non-board member--Schoor allows her to speak--Midwood elementary teacher—Asks about adverse ratings for untenured teachers. Concerned with background check and due process regarding that.
Schoor—Untenured teachers don’t have same rights. Can be discontinued. Try to get them through probationary period. City has right to do pre-employment testing. We negotiated that when they are hired, they can test them later, in case they are hired mid-year.
Reports from districts
Eliu Lara—Last Monday Bronx HS district had superintendents forum. Members were told what they needed for tenure.
Mike Schirtzer—A longtime Murrow music teacher and conductor from HS passed. Asks moment of silence.
Shout out to Infotech HS in Queens. Had Thanksgiving lunch. UFT raised 1K and hosted lunch for underprivileged kids. Doing holiday toy drive for homeless.
Priscilla Castro—Dec. 6, Meet DR in Brooklyn. Will be one in Manhattan for D75.
Legislative report—Paul Egan—Chelsea—great win. Eagles had great win and terrible loss. Blames referees. DOE legal calling plays.
Forum Thursday in Queens. Race getting ridiculous. 16 candidates now running. Actual number may be up to 23. Not difficult to get on ballot. If 23 people make it on, I would hate to see what ballot looks like. How will Board of Elections get this right?
Jumaane Williams, Michael Blake did well. Everyone was late. Tomorrow here on 19th floor. Feel free to come. 4 to 7 PM. Final will be January 10th in Brooklyn. Will be all candidates on stage. Mulgrew will MC. Leticia James resigns January 1st. Expect election 2/26
Tom Murphy—wants Medicare to negotiate drug prices. When Obamacare was passed was bundle of compromises. VA negotiates prices but Medicare forbidden. NY Dems were in thrall of pharma and voted for this. Hope to place this before new Congress, though Senate and President may not support it. Maybe bipartisan bill can pass, but if not, still has intrinsic value.
Motion to adjourn
Passes 6:39
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