6:05—I arrive late as an adult ed. teacher is complaining about lack of support from union on superintendent Rosemarie Mills. Asks that leadership respond to a list of questions. Calls for removal of Mills and asks union to stand with her members and chapter leader of adult ed. Asks for experienced superintendent and administrators.
Howard Schoor—Says they will have a consultation on March 12th. Says they will respond.
Carlos Oliveri—Says teachers won a grant for a renovated gym. Says it shows activism of teachers and helps morale.
President’s Report—
Michael Mulgrew—6:14 Got lots of feedback about Wisconsin President. Delegates understood what we are facing. Fulfilled education goal.
Regents meeting today. Will be surveying teachers about APPR. Survey looks less than professional. SED sent it out and Regents didn’t know. SED says they will do listening tours on APPR next year. Says we will engage, will not go back to principal being completely in charge.
How do we make sure our DOE will engage in the right way? Regents say they will educate folks on standards, but school districts will have to train and develop curriculum. Have done more in last three years than Bloomberg did in 12. Problem is they shelve it and make it optional. We recommend there should be menus of approved curriculums they may choose, or schools may submit their own for approval.
We have less insistence on curriculum maps—when these are used it means school has no curriculum. Says we base plans on curriculum we are given. We have to engage DOE. We have to allow members to understand new standards. Was input from NYC teachers. DOE has to develop proper materials.
Membership teams in place, work has started in pilot schools, will ramp up. Difficult in our large system, but we are doing well. Door knocking moving well.
CTE awards Thursday—US President has something about it in infrastructure.
Wishes us a great week off, will get very interesting when we get back. 6:23 Mulgrew leaves
LeRoy Barr—speaks of film series, going on now. 2/24—Working people’s day of action at Foley Square. Janella will be there. Herstory—March 25 Shanker Hall brunch. Next EB 2/21/
Schoor—Survey of CLs said 200 schools had no curriculum. DOE would not provide database of schools that had them, and still refuses. Would help them administer system to see what works. They decline.
Mike Schirtzer—MORE—school not Title One, but high teacher salary, have owed money in past years. UFT very responsive, working hard for us, but we now have no money for per diem or per session. DOE took 150K from us this year to pay debts. Is this happening in other schools?
Schoor—Any borough reps know of this?
(No response)
Schoor—I will check on this tomorrow.
Jonathan Halabi—New Action—Speaks of IS 224. Papers say teachers prevented from teaching during Black History Month. Looks like member called 311. Can we ask that members address this with union?
Schoor—Teachers are doing curriculum writing, have none for Black History Month. Curriculum cooperation might help with this.
Mary ?—Many complaints and grievances. She has come to union, is chapter leader.
Report from Districts
Amy Arundell—Update on fights MS 53 and PS/ MS 42—tomorrow is hearing for 42, last week for 53. Rich Mantel gave speech, called this Bloombergian. Bill de Blasio now mayor, and as public advocate spoke against this sort of thing. Meeting in Rockaway tomorrow, asks for support in ending this closure.
M. Web Geddes—Visiting nurse service just concluded negotiations, thanks Anne Goldman, Michael Mulgrew for on time contract. Maintained pensions without divisiveness between senior and junior members. Larger health contribution from employers, and salary raise achieved.
Ellen Driesen—Tom Brown came to District 20, gave overview of pension, will come back on Valentine’s Day.
Legislative Report—Paul Egan—Now interested in curling. Watched two hours yesterday. Chelsea won 3-0 today. Says he told us so. Eagles Super Bowl champions. Will be happy for next year. Expects three year streak.
Committee of 100 beginning of March, March 19 is Lobby Day.
NYSUT endorses—Harvey Epstein, Manhattan, Queens, Espinal, Bronx, Louis Sepulveda. April 24.
Personnel report—Mike Sill—ATR numbers, never totally clear, about 800 according to conversations with DOE. Are more filling vacancies. Sabbatical memo out, approved, applications open Valentine’s Day, deadline mid March. When doing taxes include in lump sum. W-2’s smooth, dupes available online.
Jonathan Halabi—ATRs just teachers?
Sill—Yes. We can do counselors next time.
Schoor—Last pay stub will have YTD number for union dues. Salary reps available at borough offices.
We are adjourned 6:42
Breakfast All Day Podcast 5/24/22
2 hours ago