Howard Schoor—Secretary—Says we’re almost ready to start, and that there are a few speakers.
Erica Pastorella—CL Queens Prep Academy—First year in school, hired from excess. Was no CL when she came in. CL had left school at end of last year, along with 11 others out of 29. Did not want to be CL right away, as art teachers at high risk of excess. No one wanted that position for fear of principal. Met UFT rep Washington Sanchez in February, who sought a CL. Formed a committee, which works well. Still needs a leader.
Schoor thanks her for her service.
Norm Scott—MORE--Abusive principals—Mulgrew said this was our biggest problem. The biggest crisis in our union is the power imbalance between union and teachers. I felt I had a little leverage, feel we don’t now, and feel union responsible. CLs leaving and principals have unfettered power. There is sword hanging over many people, including JHS 145. We’ve left them in a hold—will they get a job? What is their future?
CPE1 Run by Debbie Maier. We’ve watched that place be destroyed. Fariña is anti-union, anti-teacher. We continue to support mayoral control which enables this. We’ve seen manipulated charges hurting people, DRs know. Maybe that was Munich and maybe removal of Marilyn is invasion. This is crime against children. Blandness in this room very disturbing. There is no sense of outrage.
Townsend Harris—Same person destroyed math dept. at Bronx Science. We need to use our resources.
Thursday evert at CPE1. This union owes it to that school to be there in force. At PEP Rich was there. Our presence may have moved votes. We owe it to them to be there. We need to be accountable for what goes on in these schools.
Mulgrew is not here. Schoor states he's brought Artie Pepper, UFT Welfare Fund leader, in his place.
Pepper—Doesn’t know what’s happening with ACA. Your guess as good as mine. Knew they wouldn’t take away 26 age.
21st Century cures act. Worried about streamlined drug testing. E-prescribing now mandatory. Reduces fraud. Some scrips rejected because doctors use wrong program names.
Trying to control opioid abuse. Have to send out health coverage forms for tax purposes. Sent out 300,000, 14K rejected, had to resend. Catastrophic medical plan now available again. Have to be in-service and residing in NY State. (Opens April 17th, I’m told.)
Speaks of technology in medicine. Says we will be able to send info electronically via web. Shows us demos.
Here’s the question I didn’t get to ask him, since there were no questions—-Arthur Goldstein—MORE—My doctor just notified us he won’t accept GHI beginning next month. Several specialists we see have told us the same recently. Is this a trend and if so what are we doing about it?
Staff Director Report—LeRoy Barr—LIU professors coming to strike possibility, Rally during day on Thursday. LIU Brooklyn Campus 11-12, April 6. Also, CPE 1 rally that day. Much applause. Will give out details when I get them. April 15th tax rally, asking Trump to show returns, at Bryant Park.
Immigration reso passed and we have been doing forums in Bronx and elsewhere. May 15th, Monday, 4:30 will have one here.
UFT 5K run May 6, 9 AM. Also school secretary luncheon here. Spring Conference May 13th.
April 28th HS Awards. Apr. 14 EB.
Schoor—Marcus asked about JHS 145 (though I'm pretty sure I did too). Says they have spoken to attorney. Attorney says we have not yet come to conclusion. Past suite was complete elimination of zoned schools,
Lamar Hughes—Have you heard of ICE agent incidents? How can we help to lower anxiety of that?
Schoor—Hasn’t happened, mayor put out guidelines. We think they are clear. It’s on DOE website.
Mike Schirtzer—MORE—Been reported that Tish James will take action as public advocate. Are we working with her and are there other plans.
A—We have respect for James and may reach out to her.
Schirtzer—MORE--In terms of CPE rally can those teachers facing 3020a be there?
CPE 1 teacher— Caller Asallas—rally at 4:30 in front of CPE 1. Welcomes all to SLT meeting at 3:30.
Martin McCalin—When are we receiving salary increase?
Schoor—May 1.
Marcus McArthur—MORE—On plan to life charter cap—how Moskowitz taking over JHS 145—Governor planning to lift cap, seems like that will target our buildings and take over schools. How likely is cap to be lifted and how do we assess that threat. We have 10% of city population in charters and 50K waiting. What is our strategy?
Schoor—Threat is real. Senate GOP doesn’t want charters in their districts but wants them in NYC. Almost reached cap. We oppose it and lobby. Not final yet.
Michael Solo—Last month we discussed Regents scoring, passed resolution. Any updates?
Janella Hinds—Engaging with DOE. No movement for June but dealing w SAT day. Sent survey. Want to insure they are making good decisions around testing.
Arthur Goldstein—MORE—The OPT OUT movement helped us move Cuomo into a marginally better position. I’m told NYSUT took out billboards and sent out an email supporting OPT OUT. What is UFT doing about OPT-OUT?
Schoor—Less that 3% opted out in NY, not big issue here. This union has not voted to participate.
Kuljit Ahluwalia—New Action—How many people are still ATRs? How many were placed? Rumor is they won’t be rotated until June.
Schoor—Can’t comment on rumors. We are negotiating. Hope to get agreement but we are not there yet.
Amy Arundell—About 200 plus ATRs hired through incentive, around 800 rotating
Jonathan Halabi—New Action—Several meetings ago I asked about marches. People’s Climate March April 29th. Are we supporting this or helping people go?
Schoor—Will visit this Friday at AdCom. We need not pass reso. Will get back to you.
Reports from districts—
Jackie Bennett—Paying attention to ESSA. Ed. reform groups want to recreate NCLB. State had meetings on this to get feedback in five boroughs. UFT says don’t recreate NCLB. Thanks CLs and schools who came out.
Anne Goldman—Contractual victory—Nurses discouraged from being unionized. Bosses multi-billionaires. However, we have established strength and have on-time contracts for over 30 years. Just completed contract with Northwell. Improved pay, working conditions, protected pensions. Our strength is in organization. Celebrates ratified contract.
Dave Kazansky—UFT Labor Seder, 11th. 70 people of all faiths. Thanks everyone who was there. Invites us next year.
Duane Clark—CPE 1 rep. discussed concerns, met CL at reassignment center. Got mail from parents. We support CPE 1.
?—DR for District 75—Union proposed public school proud campaign—through all city, social media, 721M, most challenged students, larges sp. ed. district in world, had 8 students selected for special olympics in Austria. Welcomed them back. Gave them UFT bags, water bottles, were very proud.
Janella Hinds—On Friday Bronx UFT had college fair designed by our liaison. 1500 students came to Bronx UFT to see advisors. Replicated next day for parents. March 24th 106th anniversary Triangle Shirtwaist Fire, UFT was there. Honored women and teenagers who perished.
Sterling Roberson—Was proposal for certification for career and tech ed. Proposal means they don’t have to go through overlapping roadblocks. Stay tuned.
Schoor—Board of Regents will vote on it.
Tabio DaCruz—Behalf of Marion Manley—D27 holding SBO workshop April 26th, thanks Amy A.
(Schoor asks me to comment on popularity of question period, which I most certainly will.)
Legislative Report—Paul Egan
Budget season here, federal state and city. Our President suggested budget that would hurt single working parents while enriching the rich. 2 billion dollars would have to be made up elsewhere. Just the beginning. Will largely affect NY. NY State lawmakers skittish about passing budget. Looking at giving money to unaccountable, non-transparent charters. This and many other sticking points around, and no deal done until all deal is done. Missed deadline, first time in six years. Budget now extended. May be able to see fed. budget before they decide. This make city budget a mess too. Must be done by June 30th.
Will have to continue to advocate. Dems statewide attacked for being in pocket of NYC and DeBlasio in GOP districts.
Special order of business—
Janella Hinds—Initiative on voter registration. HS students reaching voting age while in school. We can support them to become registered voters. Asks for support.
Jonathan Halabi—New Action—Rises in support and suggests we combine with voter registration for our own members.
Paul Egan—Over 80% of our members registered, but not all in NYC. Different counties have different policies. We could have 100%, but names need to be in our database and same as county database. People change addresses in one place or other, problematic. DRs having convo about constitutional convention.
Arthur Goldstein—MORE—Tonight we have a school and a school community in crisis, a school suffering under the wholly gratuitous tyranny of an out of control principal. Ironically, this school is one founded on principles of functional democracy, a school that ought to be a model for us all. It’s deplorable to see the ostensible leader of this school trod all over its basic premise, a premise developed by renowned educational activist Deborah Meier. As President Mulgrew told this body just two weeks ago:
"Our biggest issue hands down is (the DOE’s) lack of responsibility with reigning in their principals. We will go after them at the school level. By law the superintendent is in charge. They are responsible for the actions of the principal. It is always best to have documentation when bringing any issues forward."
Here is our chance to put those words in action. We have abundant documentation. We have firsthand testimony at our fingertips and in this very room. This is a golden opportunity for the United Federation of Teachers to walk the walk. Not only will we be giving much-needed support our brother and sister unionists and community members, but we’ll also be making a stand for the kind of innovative instruction and independent thinking we need to foster and enable for the students we serve.
I urge you to support this resolution (which you can read in full right here) and bring it to the Delegate Assembly this month.
LeRoy Barr—Rises to table motion. (Several seconds jump up instantly.) Says we’ve heard of all the work we’re doing. We clearly stand with you. Heard from borough rep, about outreach. We agree with a lot of this stuff. Wants to table this because we are meeting with DOE and bringing this issue forward. Want to give them opportunity to work with this. Asks people to stand.
Schoor—Says I am not standing. Asks me to be sure to comment on that. I most certainly will.
Barr—Says he will come to rally, bring people to rally, and speak at rally. Still asks that we table this.
Jonathan Halabi—New Action—After reso was written, DOE has raised the stakes. Not only is there no reconciliation, but they’ve gone after another non-tenured teacher today. Wants to argue against tabling.
Schoor—Not debatable
Halabi—New Action--Neither was motion to table. (Barr has commented on this.)
Schoor—Giving you two minutes, Thinks it’s against Robert’s rules.
Halabi—New Action--immediacy here, DOE escalating These people live at their school. In past chapters weren’t ready. This chapter is ready.
Schoor—Calls motion to table. Resolution is tabled. We are adjourned.
23 minutes ago