Note--Most of the Executive Board was in Albany for Lobby Day. Meeting lasted 26 minutes.
Howard Schoor welcomes us, points out many members are in Albany or on way back.
President’s Report—Mulgrew not here.
Staff Director’s Report—LeRoy Barr—Education forum successful. In Rye, CL training Part 3. Next Monday Exec. Board again. Today is Lobby Day, most members are there. Over 800 members there for second go round. Spring recess April 10-18. When we return, we have DA.
Arthur Goldstein—MORE—-CEC voted to keep JHS 145 open, while PEP voted to close it. What are our next steps to support our brothers and sisters in JHS 145?
Schoor—Lawyers will check. Not sure it is illegal, but we prevented 19 schools from being closed. We will not allow them to violate law. Will keep you updated.
Jonathan Halabi—New Action—When people are brought up on charges sometimes they can return to teach, but are placed in ATR pool. How can we stop this?
Schoor—Big issue for UFT. One way is they get fined and become ATRs. We are in negotiations with DOE. That is part of our discussions but we don’t have an agreement yet. Went back to 2011 agreement. Was lawsuit lost that said any kind of discipline and person can be moved. We are trying to change that.
Ashraya Gupta—MORE—Colleague has son with IEP. Also at public school. We cover for her so she can make it to IEP meetings. Do we have any way so staff can attend IEP meetings?
Schoor—School by school decision. We do have personal business days. A-601 says principal may allow people to come late but doesn’t have to. Bring it up in consultation.
Carmen Alvarez—There is no right by law. You have to negotiate with your school.
Marcus McArthur—MORE—Re: CPE and AFT campaign against Right to Work. Randi Weingarten just sent a petition against this. CPE is progressive school fighting abusive admin. I feel strongly about this, having experience. Great teachers and unionists protected me and that’s why I can stand here. Randi said pols have to make economy work for working people, respect voice. Made me think of CPE. Two parts—what do we know about AFT campaign around RTW, and second, what does UFT leadership think about organizing around CPE as a way to actively demonstrate what Randi is talking about, voice in workplace, and fighting unions.
Schoor—RTW already in majority of states. We’ve gone to states to organize. Several people sitting here have helped people sign up. Not sure about AFT campaign but I will make sure we do what we have to do here. We will bring that school up to chancellor to see what they are going to do. Watched video, is compelling. We will bring it up and report back.
Report from districts
Schoor—Working on professional conciliation, article 24. Not just in teacher contract, but also in several others. Way to try and resolve matters. Had two high schools with issues in choosing a novel. We are trying to make this a more professional situation where we have voice. We did a survey and 72 schools reported no curriculum whatsoever. Board used to have a division, for every subject. Board had experts. Bloomberg did away with that. There are now funds, but not mandated curriculum.
Legislative report—Paul Egan absent
Schoor—Demonstrations around city against GOP Senators who support charters. Around state were demos against other GOP Senators. Very close to charter folks. Many uncertified teachers in charters. Budget due on Friday, may be extended
Arthur Goldstein—MORE—Doesn’t Cuomo take money from them too?
Schoor—Sure he does. Many pols do. We have to make sure people we support get elected.
LeRoy Barr—In support of health care for all—Our President is giving a lesson in politics. He thinks his political situation is like business, that he decrees and it is so. Glad he is getting his comeuppance. Glad to see town halls with people raising voice. They didn’t realize they would take health care away from 24 million people. We want to make sure whatever they go forward with, that it’s responsive to people’s needs. We oppose GOP act, want to improve safety net. Most sensible course is single payer. Want to mobilize members to fight for all people having affordable health care. Either they have access or you will have other issues. Please support.
Passes unanimously.
We are adjourned.
Maybe I'll Have a Snooze
2 hours ago