I can't find this on the net, but people keep telling me they saw Bloomberg on TV saying that the rash of overcrowded classes is a good thing. Apparently, the Emperor sees this as a sign that people can't wait to patronize our schools. Of course, this doesn't include Mayor Moneybags, who sent his kid to private schools. It doesn't include reformy folk like Joel Klein, who did the same.
Here's the thing--Mayor Bloomberg says he's doing a great job when test scores, the only thing he cares about, go up. When they're proven to be inflated and stay the same, he says the same. And this year, when they introduced the untested Common Core standards and scores plummeted, he said the same. Accountability is a concept that applies only to unionized teachers and whatever Bloomberg does is great. In fact, he's got Howard Wolfson on the city payroll, and much of his job entails telling people that.
But high class sizes are not, in fact, a good thing. They don't benefit kids and they make it even more difficult for teachers to do what is becoming a very, very tough job. In fact, it's Bloomberg's job to find space for kids in public schools and he's failed miserably, despite taking maybe a billion dollars from the CFE lawsuit to reduce class sizes. It's a ridiculous argument to say we have a lot of kids who want to go to school. Of course we do, in the largest school district in the country. If Mayor Bloomberg were less focused on accommodating his billionaire BFFs and a little bit more focused on the job he's chosen, we wouldn't have this problem.
High class sizes are about as appealing as garbage. Imagine if the mayor were not collecting it. He'd get on TV and say it's great that so many people want to live in New York. That's why we have so much garbage. You don't see garbage like this in Oklahoma. We are the garbage capital of the world.
Personally, I can hardly wait until January 1st, when we finally get to put out the garbage once and for all.
52 minutes ago