Idiocy. No one would argue that.
But then the Edward R. Murrows over at the Post took that opportunity to state, "It's about time the schools were put on a starvation diet." So let's ask, for a minute, who loses when that happens.
Students lose afterschool and arts programs, new books, technology, possibly even some of the personnel they know and trust.
Teachers lose benefits, supplies, professional development, possibly even some of their colleagues.
Yet life seems to go on for the fat cats who don't see the insides of classrooms for months or years at a time.
So, Post, it's not the schools that need to be on a starvation diet. It seems that what the New York taxpayer gets for his or her money is not so much schools that you've deemed mediocre, but, perhaps, schools that could be much better if teachers made more of these decisions.
Because I don't think anyone reading this would have asked for 200 grand for office furniture.