by resident contest meister Schoolgal
We asked you, our loyal readers, to come up with a caption for the picture at left. We've received queries from far and wide. To preserve the integrity of our process, we've kept the meticulously tabulated results from our 300-member team of judges, all of whom are pledged to absolute secrecy, in a hermetically sealed container just off the coast of Mandanga, a little known island just south of Patapita.
Sparing no expense, we sent our team out in a rowboat to retrieve them without disturbing the local ecology. Here are the eagerly awaited results.
Congrats to Pogue!! His entry gets first prize--a chance at early retirement!!!
"Oh, Mikey, here I am. Signed, sealed, delivered, I'm yours."
Please email NYCEducator your name and address for that LOTTO ticket!!
Honorable Mention goes to Mr. A. Talk, for his contribution:
"Is that a payoff in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?"
Thanks to all who participated!