Today I employed some slightly nefarious means to photocopy some homework questions for my students. As I concluded the lesson near the end of the period and prepared to distribute the homework, Drew exclaimed, "All right! A worksheet!"
"Never in all my career," I responded dryly, "have I ever heard a student so excited about a worksheet."
"Yeah," Drew said, "but this means we don't have to copy a million questions off the board."
I conceded that point and continued to distribute the worksheets.
"So is the copy machine working now?" another student asked.
"Well, um," I said, honestly not sure what the true or the right thing to tell them was, "I'm not sure if it's working right now. Like, right this minute."
"I hope not," said another student. "That means Mr. Mel is finally going to give us that test."
"Well," I said, "it...could happen."
I could end this little story with a rant about how someone working for, oh, I don't know, City Hall or Bloomberg Media would never find themselves in such a situation in which the basic tools of their job were removed for weeks at a time with no guess on when they might be replaced. But I prefer to focus on the funny part, which is that my kids were THRILLED TO DEATH by a worksheet.