It looks like a lot of city kids, perhaps victims of testing mania, are not getting their mandated gym classes. In Queens, they "often don't have the time, space or staff" to offer classes.
That strikes me as odd. In my school, which Mayor Bloomberg has managed to stuff to over 250% capacity (because he just loves city kids) students seem to get gym all the time. Our only problem is they barely fit in the gym. That's why it has to be really, really cold before any gym teacher decides to stay inside.
Some mornings, I come in wearing an arctic parka and a scarf and a hood, but the kids are out there, many of them in t-shirts and shorts. I wonder how on earth they don't freeze to death, but I don't imagine they'll stop dragging them out there until one of them does.
Honestly, I don't know if gym classes are enough to solve problems like childhood obesity. I suppose they're a good start. But personally, I'd rather kids got no gym at all than see them dragged out on freezing cold days.