Motion: To add to Resolution for a UFT Rally for Union Rights in June
Whereas, the Manhattan H.S. Chapter Leaders met on Wednesday, April 25, 2007, and by a vote of 18 to 1, resolved to present to the Delegate Assembly a resolution regarding the following; and
Whereas, recent statements of Chancellor Klein make it clear that principals are expected to manage as "cost-conscious C.E.O.s of their schools following the business model; and
Whereas, the new funding formula creates a disincentive for principals to hire and retain experienced teachers; and
Whereas, untenured teachers are still not protected from Bloomberg's goal to give tenure to fewer teachers; and
Whereas, the DoE has assigned displaced regional administrators to schools to teach shortened programs and assist in administrative tasks while displacing UFT members who are willing to teach full programs; and
Whereas, the DoE continues top erode contractual rights in the areas of hiring, the loss of hardship transfers, erosion of the secretarial license and the status and use of the ATRs; and
Whereas, the UFT has resolved to "continue fighting for changes in those aspects of reorganization plan that are still flawed or undermine public education, including the efforts to privatize schools;" and
Whereas, the union has endangered positive momentum for change in its support of petitions and sign-up lists for a rally to address those flows in the reorganization plan; be it therefore
Resolved, that the UFT take a vigorous stance against the privatization agenda of Bloomberg and Klein, and that the UFT immediately set a date to sponsor a rally before the end of the school year that follows up on the DA motion of Tuesday, April 24th, to "continue to fight for changes in those aspects of the reorganization" that undermine our members' rights.