Jim Horn at Schools Matter tells how KIPP charter schools keep their scores up. First, they dump the students who don't like them. When that doesn't work out, they just take their name off the door and leave town.
Now couldn't the city learn from this? Isn't it a whole lot easier than changing the name of the building, breaking it up into a dozen "academies" that don't serve their communities, and scattering thousands of hapless kids all over the city?
Simplicity Itself
Jim Horn at Schools Matter tells how KIPP charter schools keep their scores up. First, they dump the students who don't like them. When that doesn't work out, they just take their name off the door and leave town.
Now couldn't the city learn from this? Isn't it a whole lot easier than changing the name of the building, breaking it up into a dozen "academies" that don't serve their communities, and scattering thousands of hapless kids all over the city?
CDC makes it official - teacher vaccinations are NOT a prerequisite for school reopenings. Looking forward to their new guidance that parachutes aren't a prerequisite for skydiving and fire proof clothing isn't a prerequisite for fire fighters.
Top Ten Edublogs 2007 Edutopia.org
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