New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg reiterated his principled stand against paying anything whatsoever toward the CFE lawsuit, which promises good teachers, small classes, and decent facilities for NYC's 1.1 billion schoolchildren.
Mayor Mike says he's paid enough already, and that mayoral control is a success. He's content with oversized classes, crumbling buildings, and the spectacle of a thousand teachers wandering the school system at full pay. If he's able to shift the blame for his inability to fix anything whatsoever to these teachers, his legacy will be secure.
Eliot Spitzer, who, barring an electoral miracle, will be the next governor of New York State, has the odd notion that New York City ought to pay a portion of what it costs to educate its children. Strangely enough, the NY State Supreme Court seems to concur.
Where, oh where is Mayor Mike gonna find the funds so sorely needed for charter schools and stadiums for needy billionaires? And if he's forced to support the bootless and unhorsed, where will the private school kids play?
Stay tuned.