Would you like to drink at the bar?
Stay in the Hilton instead of your car,
And be better off than you are,
Or should I punch you in the face?
A punch in the face will shut your festering craw,
It might bust your nose or break your jaw,
The dues you're paying are what you're here for,
So shut your gob and love the Common Core,
Cause if your don't get in line and know your place,
I'm gonna punch you in the face.
Or would you like to drink at the bar?
Stay in the Hilton instead of your car,
And be better off than you are,
Or would you rather be a drone?
A drone is a teacher who does classes each day,
He just doesn't know another way,
He doesn't like to see the kids all fail,
So he stands up instead of eating quail,
So if you're outraged and shout and bitch and moan,
Well then you just might be a drone.
Or would you like to drink at the bar?
Stay in the Hilton instead of your car,
And be better off than you are,
Or would you rather be in MORE?
A MORE is a teacher who speaks out every day,
She might be a pinko so they say,
She thinks that voting should be fair and free,
She won't sign a simple oath of loyalty,
And if you think lavish trips are just a bore,
Well then you just might be in MORE.
Or would you like to drink at the bar?
Stay in the Hilton instead of your car,
And be better off than you are,
Or let your conscience be your guide.
A conscience will hinder you at every step,
You'll think of the people that you rep,
You won't support all that reformy crap,
You'll tell the truth and let us take the rap,
And your advancement and privilege will slide,
Because your conscience is your guide.
Or would you like to drink at the bar?
Stay in the Hilton instead of your car,
And be better off than you are,
You could be drinking at the bar.
And all the flunkies ain't in the zoo.
52 Broadway has their share too,
Pays really well and it could be you.
You could make money more by far,
You cold be better than you are,
You could be drinking at the bar.
Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da
23 minutes ago