We've got exactly what you need. First, call Charles Atlas so people stop kicking sand in your face. While you're waiting for him to get back to you, take a break and check out the 118th edition of the one, the only, the Carnival of Education.
Latest News
What self-respecting carnival could be without the Morning EduGaggle? The Education Wonks maintain it's a fine breakfast, way better than creamed chipped beef on toast.
Huffenglish discusses laptops in schools. So does Musings from the Academy (who also urges you to join the differentiation discussion.)
Reality-based educator tells us how no student loan provider is left behind.
I don't get much correspondence from magazines, but The Nation wants y'all to know it has a special issue on NCLB. Check out the promise and problems, as well as a comprehensive examination by a panel of experts.
For another perspective on NCLB, here's some Eduwonkery for you.
Fearless Leaders
Ms. Cornelius shares Ten Signs Your Administrators Have Lost Touch. I'm mostly okay with that, as long as they keep their hands off me.
Happychyck gets placed under the microscope.
Happychyck gets placed under the microscope.
Renee Moore reminisces about her experiences as a teacher leader in Shelby, Mississippi, and tells why teachers know more about what works than consultants (Naturally, I'm shocked and stunned).
The British are coming to check out new blogger Aimlessmiss. And they're visiting Ms. C as well.
According to I, Who Can't:
Demolishing the Regional Offices is like blowing the dust off an old pick-up. If the common sense and wisdom of all the teachers in New York continues to be ignored, I don’t care who looks under the hood- the old thing will never run again.
Family Matters
April May discovers that, being a teacher and a mommy, her values fail to jibe with those of some non-teaching mommies.
Why do teenagers rebel? Principled Discovery suggests they may be attempting something altogether different.
Mike in Texas ponders a cute little baby.
As long as your school looks good, who cares whether it is good?
In the movies, love means never having to say you're sorry. But in real life, should kids say they're sorry in lieu of punishment?
What the heck does "proficient" mean anyway?
Who's your favorite student?
What do you say to a kid who hasn't shown up to class till yesterday?
Why do teenagers rebel? Principled Discovery suggests they may be attempting something altogether different.
Mike in Texas ponders a cute little baby.
Burning Questions
As long as your school looks good, who cares whether it is good?
In the movies, love means never having to say you're sorry. But in real life, should kids say they're sorry in lieu of punishment?
What the heck does "proficient" mean anyway?
Who's your favorite student?
What do you say to a kid who hasn't shown up to class till yesterday?
Instructivist, the guy who got me started on this whole blogging thing, teaches how to talk new math.
Need a college scholarship? Here are some handy tips.
Oh boy! My own virtual biology lab!
IB a Math Teacher has one that's horrifying but hilarious.
Da Big Apple
In NYC, accused teachers spend months sitting in offices waiting just to find out what, if anything, they're being charged with. And false accusations are just a way of Life in the Rubber Room.
Norm from Ednotes Online discusses teacher certification, then and now.
Welcome to my world.
Everyone loves Mayor Mike. Except those darn parents, who remain unimpressed.
While the mayor re-re-reorganizes schools, Diane Ravitch suggests how to actually improve them.
Life's Little Pains in the !@#$!@#$
Ryan from I Thought a Think hasn't had time to think a thought because he's up to his eyeballs in testing. Read They Test Me so I Test Them right now.
Frankly, it frightens me how often I agree with the Prof at Right Wing Nation. Check out his taxonomy of annoying types found on college campuses. Hmmm....that one reminds me of a teacher I once had. Have you met this person?
According to Mark Twain, "God made the Idiot for practice, and then He made the School Board."
Me-Ander loves to teach, but finds the hot weather in Israel a little discouraging.
And Darren, from Right on the Left Coast, has had it up to here with all this diversity stuff.
Food for Thought
Here's a brain teaser from Sharp Brains. Try not to cut yourself.
La Quijota muses on dress codes.
Mr. McNamar of The Daily Grind contributes a thoughtful and provocative analysis of student misbehavior. Check it out.
Feeling dull? Listless? Traipsing about in a mindless stupor? It's your lucky day. Try some brain exercises for the frontal lobe.
Hocus pocus. JD 2718 offers up a little math magic.
Rubbing Sand From Their Eyes
Be careful what you put on the net. Universities can be very prissy, and Tracy Coenen tells us of a young woman who was denied a teaching certificate, apparently because of a photo where she posed as a drunken pirate.
Waddya think about young teachers who appear on The Bachelor? What? It's a TV show.
MS Teacher's career begins to mirror a Sergio Leone flick. Go ahead and make her day.
Educator on the Edge ponders troubling times for Mr. Fun.
Party Time
Laura Huertero discusses her school's cuatro de Mayo festivities. They sound great, but frankly, I'm a little concerned about her multiple personalities.
Looking for a really worthy new mode of procrastination? Play the interview game with Mrs. T. of Chucheria.
For the uninitiated, here's a fine whine primer.
Life's Highways
Pissed Off Teacher, who's just lost her mom, celebrates her life with a poem written by California Teacher Guy.
This and That
Math has gone weird over at Miss Cellania's place. She finds the coolest, funniest stuff day after day. How on earth she does this I have no clue.
Ian Stewart discusses his book, Letters to a Young Mathematician.
Aixa Rodriguez discusses her hair-raising adventures as a charter school teacher.
Tech changes everything, even homeschooling.
More Burning Questions
Why on earth is Elementary History Teacher saying "Neato?" And how can we convince her to stop?
What do you give the man who doesn't have everything, but seems to have done everything? At the very least, you post his list in the carnival.
What's a diploma really worth?
What do you do when students stage a walkout to protest immigration policies?
And what happens when a Hip Teacher approaches The Scottish Play?
That and This
Say it ain't so, Joe Williams.
Over at Dy/Dan, they're Revisiting Vic Mackey.
Remember offers just about everything you ever wanted to know about May 2nd.
And most importantly, if Mamacita says size matters, it does.
Next week's carnival returns home to The Education Wonks. Send your submissions to owlshome [at] earthlink [dot] net by 9 PM EST or use this handy form.